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Ts & Cs

Which on-line service do you use? Dreaming Spires Revision uses Blackboard Learn to host the on-line classes. This service allows both synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences, which means you can attend an on-line discussion group that’s scheduled at a certain time, and you can also access the materials, take part in various forums, and ask questions at any other time that suits you, treating it more like a repository of information and emailing. Both types of learning are key to getting the most from the course, so even if a student attends all the hourly sessions, he/she will have the best experience if the asynchronous resources are fully exploited as well.

What if I miss a class?  It is possible to view a recording of the class if a student has missed a session; however, it is not advisable to take the course if you can only watch the recordings.

Can I share the asynchronous documents with other people? As these are class notes which have been written by the instructor, it would be against copyright to share the documents without the author’s permission.

What if I can’t get on-line very well/my computer is quite old/my internet connection isn’t very good? It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that he/she has access to a high-speed, reliable, and consistent internet access.  Sometimes problems do crop up, but the CourseSites support page is excellent and can be accessed any time during the week to sort out anything, and includes a Web Chat option.

What happens if a class is suddenly cancelled? If, for any reason, an on-line lesson cannot take place (either Dr Patrick/Mrs Mason has a family emergency, or the CourseSites website is down longer than 15 minutes into the session), then the class will be postponed to another day which is convenient for the tutor and the majority of the enrolled students. Regardless, there will be the full number of one-hour synchronous sessions.

Tell me more about discounts. As a home-edding mum ourselves, we know how hard it can be to juggle finances with numerous children, so I offer 10% off for each additional sibling who signs up for a course at the same time as the first sibling who registers. we also offer referral discounts at 10% per referral who registers.

Privacy Policy and Data Protection: Where Dreaming Spires Revision (DSR) receives any personal data (as defined by the General Data Protection Act 2018) (“GDPR”)) from a client, potential client, or minors therefrom, it shall ensure that it fully complies with the provisions of GDPR and will only deal with the data to fulfil its obligations. This will normally be limited to communication between DSR and the client/the student, and the conducting financial transactions as necessary to effect or terminate said contract. All personal data acquired by DSR from the client shall only be used for the purposes of this Agreement and shall not be further processed or disclosed without the client's consent. DSR shall take all reasonable precautions to preserve the integrity and prevent any corruption or loss, damage or destruction of the data and information, and if after six years the client directs DSR to erase all information and data that he/she has provided to the company, then DSR will do so.
